We are proud to offer professionally trained survey teams and experienced data analysts who are dedicated to delivering accurate and timely results. Our team works efficiently on every project, ensuring that we meet the specific needs of our clients with maximum precision.

Traffic Surveys

All the below mentioned Surveys that we are Capable of doing has certain parameters that we are provided by our Clients that are Classification of Vehicles, Duration of Surveys and Time Intervals of Every Individual Count of the session of the Survey.

Link Counts

All counts are conducted based on unidirectional vehicle movements, ensuring accurate data collection. Depending on the requirements, counts can be reported lane-by-lane or as total volumes across all lanes.

Intersection Junction Counts

Junctions may be Signalized or Priority in behavior of the movement of vehicles with Minimum 3 Approaches (Arms or legs).

 Round About Junction Counts

Junctions may be Signalized or Priority in behavior of the movement of vehicles with Minimum 3 Approaches (Arms or legs) and may exceed up to 6 Approaches. For Larger Round About Multi Set-Up Video Analysis is implemented to get more accurate Data. In some cases where it’s hard to spot the vehicles from the video footages we use the Matrix Formula to get best result with highly accurate Data Referring the Entries and Exits of all the Arms.

Origin To Destination Surveys

In this Case the Tracking of vehicle process is implemented using the multiple Set-Up of Video Footages of different Camera’s Located through the different Signals. Surveys may be carried out of vehicles or pedestrians. These Surveys may be from one Approach to another or may from one Junction to another.

Pedestrian and Pedal Cyclist Surveys

These Surveys concentrate on movement of Pedestrians and Cyclist movements and are Classified as Movements on :- Zebra Crossings , On the Pavements/Footpaths , Crossing the Roads , Illegal Movements , Making a Note of Blocked Traffic due to Pedestrians Movements , Pedestrian movements(Entering and Exiting) at (Buses at Bus Stations, Railway Stations, Subways , Stores , School/College Entrances) etc..

Parking Surveys

These surveys are carried out to note the various movements in the parking places such as :- Number of vehicles Parked in the Space within exact Time Intervals Carried for a session of Time(May Exceed from 24 Hours to Weekly Surveys) , Entry/Exit Points Vehicle Surveys , Arrival and Departure of Vehicles within the Parking Spaces etc..

ANPR Surveys

Automatic Number Plate Recognition is Surveys that are carried out to Note the Registration Plates and Time of their approaches.


Both Manual and Digital Diagrams with Arrow Movements are provided as per the Type of the Junctions whether Signalized/Priority.

Queue Length Surveys

Various Queue length Surveys are provided based on the requirements of clients such as Longest Queue Counts with variation in Time intervals, Every Cycle Queue, 30 Sec Interval Highest Queues , etc..

Additional Services Data Transcriptions such as Manual Diagrams to Digital, Raw Data Sheets to Excel , PDF to Excel Sheets etc..

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